Zeuxine longilabris

Species of the Month – December 2013

Zeuxine longilabris (Lindl.) Trimen

Zeuxine Lindley
The genus gets its name from Greek for union, unite or to yolk in pairs. Referring to the partial union of the column and lip or possibly to the fusion of the pollinia. This genus has around seventy-six species. All species are sympodial terrestrials with exception of being lithophytes sometimes. The occurrence of the species has a huge range from cool to warm, low to high elevation and widely distributed throughout tropical Asia, Africa and Madagascar and also extending to Pacific Islands.  From South India three species have been recorded.

Zeuxine longilabris (Lindl.) Trimen syn: Monochilus longilabris Lindl.
A perennial species (like other species of this genus) producing vegitative growth during the rainy season and producing flower later in the winter. Zeuxine longilabris When in bloom all the leaves would have withered. This small, succulent herb has reddish stem. The flowers are white with the labellum or lib being the visibly bigger in size compared to the rest of the petals and flower.

Zeuxine longilabris

Distribution of this species is confined to India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. In South India its is found in high mountains from Maharashtra to Kerala.


1. Illustrated dictionary of Orchid Genera from Mary Selby Botanical Gardens
2. Introduction to Orchids – Abraham and Vatsala

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