Species of the Month – November 2013
Dendrobium anceps Sw.
Dendrobium anceps Sw. Synonyms : Aporum anceps (Sw.) Lindl.
Dendrobium anceps is also commonly known as “Double Edged Dendrobium”.
The Plant:
An epiphytic species with foliage which appears like that of a cactus or a succulent plant. The leaves are pendulous and the stems are overlapping in zigzag appearance and are fleshy and deciduous. This species flowers in summer to fall and the flowers with the ruffed lip appear on the terminal with small and fragrant flowers on the apex. Flowers are 1 to 1.25 cm in size and typically yellow in color but some other forms of green and tan have also been observed in wild. The single flowers usually last about a couple of weeks. The flowers are fragrant in the morning with a distinct apple pie fragrance. Dendrobium anceps also known to be grown for their beautiful foliage.
Distribution & Occurrence:
This warm growing orchid is found places from North-East India, Andaman, Bangladesh, Eastern Himalayas, Burma, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. It is found growing in tropical and sub tropical valleys at an elevation of 200 to 1400 meters.
Cultural Requirements and Nutrition:
Species is warm growing and requires partial shade. It can be mounted in a block of wood or could be mounted on to a tree or could be grown on a fast draining medium such as mix of coco chips and charcoal. It requires a cool and drier winter resting period with minimal watering and cessation of fertilizer.

As per the hybrids register there is a Dendrobium hybrid registered with one of the parent being Dendrobium anceps. Dendrobium Wunderbar’s Gold (Dendrobium leonis x Dendrobium anceps) where Den. leonis is a seed parent and Den. anceps is pollen parent.
Article contributed by : Mr Sriram Kumar
Photo credits: Mr Srikanth Parthasarathy
An interesting species though the flowers are not very attractive, I have seen in Kalimpong very widely spreading all over the trees. Another species D.terminale has almost similar leaf pattern. Thanks for the article
Tenho uma muda desta orquídea, achei a flor muito interessante, gostaria de saber a diferença entre a terminale e a anceps, e gostaria de saber como fazer mudas.
What is the cool temp in winter and would setting the plant above a cool mist humidifier be enough moisture during the winter.
Susan, It gets about 10-12 degrees C during winters and winters are usually dry. As long as you maintain 10-12 for 3-6 weeks in winter it should do well.
Hi what is the best way to grow it from a cutting please?
Mounting would be better option. mount with some minimal sphagnum moss around the root zone and use a seaweed extract to help promoting roots. hang it in bright light initially and increase the light in winter would help.
I I have this plant for eight years,never bloom.I live in Barbados. It is growing well in the medium I have it in, within a basket. Any advise?