Vanda testacea

Species of the Month – August 2016

Vanda testacea (Lindl.) Rchb.f.

Vanda, horticulturally well know genus comprising of about 70 species mainly of Asiatic distribution. Of the few species reported from Southern Western Ghats, Vanda testacae seems to be one of the common ones.

Distribution: It is distributed in India, Nepal, Burma, and Thailand. Quite commonly found Vanda testaceaepiphyte in Western Ghats largely low to mid elevations in semi-deciduous forests.

Plant and Flower: Leaves are fleshy and 10-12cm long. Stem woody. Inflorescence laxly many flowered and usually upright. Lip or labellum is yellow with violet flush. Flower usually 1-1.5cm wide and creamy yellow.
April-May is when the species reaches peak flowering season. By June one starts seeing the pollinated flowers setting capsules.

Culture: Though a relatively an easy to grow species, this may not be seen wide spread in cultivation. This could be due to the fact that neither the plant nor the flower are big or visually appealing as compared to the Vanda testaceabigger Vandas like V tessellata. Perhaps this is good news for the plant since it does not put any pressure on the wild population of the species. However development activities without any plan for rehabilitation are threatening many of the wild species including this species. Though the species itself may not be widespread in cultivation, it has been used in hybrids because of its compact size.

1. Orchids of Nilgiris – Dr J Joseph
2. Introduction to Orchids – Abraham and Vatsala

Article and Photos by: Ravee Bhat