Oberonia brunoniana

Species of the Month – December 2014

Oberonia brunoniana Wight.

Synonym: Iridorchis brunoniana (Wight) Kuntze

Etymology: The name Oberonia is derived from “Oberon”  the King of Fairies , in reference to strange and variable form of this genus. This genera is supposed to be one of the difficult ones to identify and study due to its minute structure of the flowers.

Oberonia brunoniana Wight. an erect or pendulous epiphytic orchid found in various places of Central and Southern Western Ghats in India. This species usually flowers in the months from December/January. Leaves are fleshy, succulent and brown in color. Purplish Oberonia brunonianabrown colored leaves are also recorded. Green leaves are not common in this species.

Flowers are dense on a erect or pendulous inflorescence. Flowers are usually brown or reddish-brown in color and tiny. Typical size of a flower is about 2mm or less. Lib is 3-lobed.

These are quite smallish plants, brown coloration of the leaves being the key characteristic of the plant with which it can be identified, even when not in flower to certain extent. Of course such a liberty can only be taken with a mature plant.

Typical to Oberonias, the flowers are inconspicuously small, however when in bloom they seem to form a reddish brown glow which makes the species attractive. These are not popular in growers due to its size and delicate nature.
Oberonia brunoniana

Threats: Habitat destruction due to various activities in the forested area are becoming major contributing factors for the disappearance of this species along with many other species of orchids and non-orchids.

1. Critical notes on the Orchidaceae of Bombay State – Santapau and Kapadia
2. Conservation of Wild Orchids of Kodagu in the Western Ghats – Dr T A Rao

Article by: Ravee Bhat