Training and Demonstration for Lalbagh Staff
Lalbagh green house has collection of hybrid Dendrobiums, Phalaenopsis, Cattleyas and Vandas. TOSKAR is involved in assisting Department of Horticulture in developing an orchidarium and also to train and demonstrate to the staff who are handling orchids the proper way of potting, repotting, staking and also preparing the media for different genera. In this regard, a training and demonstration for the staff was organised on 22.11.13. The main emphasis was hands on demonstration so that the same can be followed for potting of orchids by the staff.
The nature of growth of orchids and the need for providing good drainage and aeration while potting was explained and about 10 – 12 pots were shown as demo potting and this was followed by the staff doing potting more orchids under the supervision of TOSKAR members. The Training and Demonstration was imparted by Dr. K.S.Shashidhar, President and Mr. S.G.Ramkumar, Secretary of TOSKAR and assisted by Mr. Sridhar, member. Deputy Director (Gardens) was present through out the programme.