Articles for October 2019

Orchid Care for the month of October

Orchid Care for this month (October). We are getting into a month where day length is reduced and nights have started to cool down.

Change in position of sun and decrease in the day length are a few key parameters that influence some of the orchids to stimulate flowering, gaining more mass

1) Most of the deciduous species would have already finished or nearing maturity and getting ready for their winter reason by end of this months.

2) South West monsoon is over and we are getting into North East monsoon. We might have some odd showers. cool temperatures and wet conditions increase the incidents of diseases. keeping a close watch on diseases and acting on first onset of symptoms would help significantly.

3) Dampness would also invite slugs and snails and keep a close watch on them. Visit the grow area in the night and catch and dispose.

4) Most of the deciduous species are almost done with their growth for the season and hence can start cutting down on fertilization on them. Allow them to dry out between watering.

5) Most of the Vandas/Aerides would be in spike or about to spike, feed them well to ensure that they have sufficient energy reserves to sustain their blooms.

6) Keep a couple of bottles of hydrogen peroxide handy for any quick band-aid treatments for bacterial and surface treatments of fungal infections.

7) Remove dried leaves/sheath during this time as dried material absorbs more water and invite fungal and bacterial infections. Keeping the grow area clean would help.

8) Many of the deciduous species (Catasetum/Thunia/Habenaria) would have finished blooming. Keep them hydrated till the leaves drop. can keep them dry after they drop the leaves.

Compiled by: Sriram Kumar